Should acquisition cost of an
asset depend on how it is financed?
To my mind, and to most
non-accountants, the simple answer seems to be No. But that is not
how modern accountants see it. Costs incurred (including interest)
till the time an asset is ready for use is treated as part of the
cost of the asset. Whatever compulsions may have been behind adoption
of such a treatment as standard, it tends to militate against
simplicity, and creates needless (in my view) complexity.
Can a company have Net Profit
After Tax equal to double its turnover for a quarter?
Common sense tells us that this is
impossible. How can profits exceed turnover, that too profits after
tax? However, modern accounting is not all common sense. Or maybe, it
is such highly developed common sense that it takes truly uncommon
levels of sense to understand why this can happen. As it happens,
there are several reasons why this can happen. Deferred Taxation
Accounting (DTA) is one of the reasons. DTA is one more area where
accounting has been made dreadfully complex. So much so that it
creates situations occasionally as the one described in the question
above, where quarterly Net Profits After Tax of some companies
exceed even quarterly revenues! How can accountants explain to laymen
this paradox – where, say, the quarterly turnover of a
manufacturing company is Rs.50 crores and its NPAT is Rs.90+ crores?
Most accountants trying to explain this situation will end up tying
themselves and their listeners in knots. This happens in the
relatively rare instance when a company has just turned the corner
after several years of losses. One argument in favour of the
currently favoured treatment of deferred taxes is that it makes clear
the differences in expected tax provision on reported profits, and
the actual tax provision. However, we lose sight of the fact that the
net result of the income statement becomes almost impossible to
understand, even to reasonably financially literate individuals.
Surely, this could not have been the intent of introducing such
accounting treatment!
Is it a
bad thing to allow retired employees medical treatment for life in
hospitals run by the company?
Certainly, one cannot fault managers in
Tata Steel if they begin to think like this. Accounting for Employee
Benefits is another area where accounting complexity has reached
ridiculous levels (in my view). Tata Steel used to routinely allow
their retired employees and their families to be treated in the
wonderful hospital they have built in Jamshedpur; and absorb and meet
the net losses or cash shortfalls of that hospital quite routinely,
as part of its employee-friendly initiatives. Let us say their costs
were Rs.30 crores per annum, give or take a few crores. When AS 15
was made mandatory, suddenly they realized that because they allowed
their retired employees and their families to enjoy these facilities
for life, they suddenly had to recognize the present value of all the
costs they expected to incur over the next several years, as a cost
in a single year. This resulted in a hit to their Income Statement to
the tune of hundreds of crores in the year in which the new Standard
was made mandatory (if I remember it right, it was over Rs.250
crores). Why? Could not well enough be left alone? Now, it has
accountants and managers thinking closely about the impact of such
facilities to its past employees on its current profits, way beyond
the actual cash expenses of offering such facilities. Simplicity
flies out of the door, to be replaced by dreadful complexity. What I
wonder is, what purpose is served by such complexity?
Why did Warren Buffett call
derivatives "weapons of financial mass destruction'?
Buffett should have included
"securitised, structured products" which are a class of
"innovative" derivatives, by the same appellation. We know
now that derivatives and securitisation have made financial life, and
accounting for the new-fangled "innovations" they spawned
infinitely more complex. Banks in the developed world are still
facing the consequences of the complex accounting legacy of the
millions of securitised structured note transactions it entered into
almost without thinking in better times. They are now realising the
impact of all that complex accounting – it only passed the parcel
of risk onto others. It did not eliminate risk. Ultimately, every
bank in the developed world was left holding such risk parcels to
varying degrees. But they did not simply pass on risk to others. Some
structured products passed on risks to a distant tomorrow.
We have yet to see the complete impact
of such contracts that, in addition to passing the risk around to
different people, also passed the risk to a future date. There are
several apparently innocuous deals and assets sitting on the books of
several companies (not just banks) which represent accounting
legerdemain of pushing losses off to a point of time in the
distant future, so that the current management came out smelling like
roses though their results should have had the faecal matter hitting
the overhead rotating cooling device. They are the financial
equivalent of mines in modern warfare. They will go off and claim the
lives of innocents at any time in future, without warning. This is
because several best-selling "structured products" designed
by mathematical geniueses sitting at investment banks the world over,
were designed to hide losses from shareholders, future management and
regulators alike. We have yet to see the full impact of such deals.
Liabilities under such contracts will crawl out of nowhere, as it
were, and trouble future managers and bankers alike. This is the
long-term legacy of allowing untramelled financial innovation. AS 30,
31 and 32 (collectively dealing with accounting and reporting of
derivatives) is something that almost 90% of practising Chartered
Accountants – those charged with implementing them and checking
their implementation incompanies, will privately admit to not being
comfortable with. I think these Accounting Standards is a gigantic
case of GroupThink – the management phenomenon where even a
unanimous decision taken by a Group is completely at variance with
what almost all of those participating in taking the decision
privately think and opine. We need the small boy who points out
shrilly that the Empe3ror is not really wearing clothes!
Why should we bother about all
these complexities?
Almost all the modern accounting
standards that have contributed their bit to making accounting more
complex and less understandable have behind them the objective of
making a company's Balance Sheet more "realistic". What
they have actually succeeded in doing is to make the Income Statement
almost impossible to understand or predict. Why should one prefer
Balance Sheet accuracy to Income Statement accuracy? I think that the
Balance Sheet showing assets at unrealistic low values based on
historical cost is a form of desirable conservatism in accounting. We
have succeeded in making the Income Statement, which is a good
indicator of how well a company is being run, almost too volatile to
be of any use – whether to compare results with past years, or to
compare results with those of peers. Therefore, what I make above is
a case for a complete re-thinking of the basis of modern, fair-value
based accounting, and slowly going back to the traditional historical
cost based accounting.